Acid Mucopolysaccharide Assay


A quantitative colorimetric measurement of acidic mucopolysaccharide in animal cartilage tissue or cultured chondrocytes.

SKU: PMC-AK03-COS Research Area:


Mucopolysaccharides are a class of polysaccharides found in connective tissue that provides structural integrity to animals.
Acid Mucopolysaccharide Assay is a quantitative colorimetric measurement of acidic mucopolysaccharide in animal cartilage tissue or cultured chondrocytes (cell layers or spheroid cell clusters). Cartilage tissue or cell layers are enzymatically treated to digest proteins and leaving behind the acidic mucopolysaccharides.
The acidic mucopolysaccharides are stained and the resulting blue color is measured by a spectrophometer at wavelength 650 nm. 


Kit components 

  • Stain Stock, 4 ml
  • Buffer, 130 ml
  • Enzyme Reagent, lyophilized, 5 vials
  • Chondroitin Sulfate Standard (100 μg/ml), 2 ml

There are enough reagents to run 100 assays

Title Type Size
PMC-AK03-COS_Protocol application/pdf 190 KB