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Sample Preparation

Simplifying Nucleic Acid Preparation with STRATEC Technology

Nucleic acid isolation is one of the most basic techniques performed in every molecular biology lab, yet it is vitally important for the success of all downstream applications. What AS ONE International offers is much more than just another alternative for nucleic acid isolation: the proprietary technologies from Stratec Molecular enable higher quality nucleic acid purification in less time.

At the core of Stratec products is the unique non-chaotropic chemistry. Unlike traditional buffers that contain denaturing (chaotropic) ions such as guanidinium, Stratec uses non-chaotropic ions in most of its DNA purification products. There are three major advantages to this chemistry:

  • Faster protocols:non-chaotropic conditions enable binding of nucleic acids in very low salt concentrations, which in turn require fewer washing steps
  • Higher DNA yield:non-chaotropic buffers do not degrade lytic enzymes, resulting in better sample lysis
  • More intact DNA:a more “gentle” chemical environment is less damaging to DNA and maintains sample integrity

Based on this proprietary chemistry, Stratec has developed additional product features for a variety of applications, as shown below.

MSB – Minimal Salt Binding

The MSB technology allows fast purification of DNA fragments from PCR, cDNA synthesis, or restriction enzyme digestion in just two steps: 1) Binding and 2) Elution. No washing step is required since DNA binding to membrane occurs at extremely low salt concentrations.


  • Purify DNA fragments from 80 bp to 30 kbp
  • 80-95% recovery
  • Elution volume as low as 10 µl
  • Less pipeting and plastic waste

MSB Products:

RTP – Ready to Prep

The RTP technology streamlines the processing of pathogen-containing samples. All reagents required for DNA/RNA preparation – including lysis buffer, proteinase, and carrier nucleic acid are provided as a lyophilized master mix in a single extraction tube. Simply add the sample to initiate the extraction process.


  • Minimal contact with infectious sample
  • Faster workflow via reduced pipetting & handling
  • Extraction tube stable at room temperature

RTP Products:

PSP – Pre-Analytic Sample Processing

The PSP product portfolio comprises an integrated sample management system – from sample collection, DNA stabilization, transportation, storage through to purification – all conveniently combined in one a single kit. The PSP buffer allows for a reliable stabilization of DNA in stool, saliva or swab samples.


  • Stable DNA at room temperature
  • Preservation of bacterial titer
  • Easy-to-use collection tubes

PSP Products:

PSP SalivaGene DNA Kit

PSP Spin Stool DNA Plus Kit

InviTrap – Selective DNA Removal

The InviTrap technology utilizes a proprietary catcher particle to specifically bind and remove DNA from RNA sample preparation.


  • Highly purified RNA for better RT-PCR
  • Selective DNA removal during lysis
  • No DNase digestion required

InviTrap Products:

  • InviTrap Spin Universal RNA Mini Kit, Cat.#1060100200
  • InviTrap Spin Plant RNA Mini Kit, Cat.# 1064100300

Lanes 2 & 3: InviTrap Cell RNA Mini Kit; Lanes 4 & 5: RNA isolation kit from a leading competitor. DNA contamination is clearly visible in lanes 4 & 5 (top band) but absent in lanes 2 & 3.

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